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Living Hope Education

The advancement of the kingdom is our primary goal in this South Asian country. We also realize that kingdom workers are extremely limited in educational opportunities for their children, especially when those children reach the teenage years. It is at this point that many choose to return to their home country. A desire to fill this gap by enabling more families to call this country home is why we began.


And while we are quite affordable by western standards, we aim to welcome in the children of workers from the Global South**, as well, many of whom lack adequate funding.


Please consider providing either a full or a partial scholarship for a child of workers from the Global South. $1600 provides one full year of education.

Your support is both greatly needed and appreciated.

In addition, we are currently searching for joyful, flexible, experienced individuals to fill various staff roles, as well, such as secondary science and elementary.  Please contact TeachBeyond if interested.


**The Global South is a term that refers to much of the non-Western world (primarily Africa, Asia, and South America).