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Lions Learning Program

In East Africa, there is a neighborhood where thousands of people with nowhere else to go end up scavenging on the city trash dumps for survival. We believe education rooted in Christ’s love is the long-term solution for the transformation of this community. We believe that children in this community should not spend their lives picking through trash but should be given access to education.

Beyond Borders partners to support the delivery of a bilingual bridging program for children aged 7-19 who have never had the opportunity to go to school. We work together to provide the children with a safe learning space, excellent teachers, learning materials, discipleship support, apprenticeship programs for youth, and two nutritious meals a day, lovingly prepared by women in the community who now have a meaningful way to support themselves and their families.

This holistic program extends Christ’s love through providing access to an education that promotes learning and healing. God is transforming these children's lives to be the leaders of tomorrow!

You can be a part of this legacy of transformation for children who God has not forgotten by becoming a partner through one-time, periodic, or recurring gifts.

If you would like to sponsor a specific student for $35/month, click here to begin the sponsorship process.