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Pan American Christian Academy

Pan American Christian Academy, commonly known as PACA, is a nondenominational, college-preparatory, Christian, American school located in São Paulo, Brazil - a city with a metropolitan population of about 22 million (São Paulo is the largest business, industrial, and cultural center of South America)  PACA students reflect the multinational community from which they come.  Today the school serves the children of mission organizations, diplomatic, business and professional families with a dual curriculum program (American and Brazilian). PACA’s enrollment averages 340 students: 170 in grades Pre K-5, and 170 in grades 6-12. Our student body is approximately 30% North American, 30% Brazilian, 29% Korean, and 11% other nationalities.  

Our 8.9 acres of campus and facilities, place PACA in a class with the best international schools in South America. Our maintenance and service crew provide excellent care to our 22 classrooms, science laboratory, library, media center, computer center, learning lab, gymnasium, regulation-size athletic field, outside courts, cafeteria, playgrounds and a 25-meter swimming pool.

English is the language of instruction. All students follow an American Curriculum and receive an American high school diploma. Students may concurrently take course work taught in Portuguese to earn a Brazilian diploma. The current faculty of 40 are all degreed and certified with 60% holding a Post-Graduate or Master’s Degree. The student-faculty ratio is approximately 10:1.

School routine begins at 8:00 am and ends at 3:25 pm. The school calendar follows two semesters: August to December, and January to June. PACA provides a minimum of 200 school days in its calendar year.

Pan American Christian Academy
LOCATION: São Paulo, Brazil
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