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Roof of the World Academy

Roof of the World Academy (RWA) invites you to join our dynamic, growing school. We are a small, close-knit community of approximately 80 students from kindergarten through high school. Our families come from various countries, including the United Kingdom, the USA, Canada, Germany, Korea, Brazil and others. The majority of our students are in the elementary grades, but our secondary campus is growing in strength and momentum. We are looking forward to getting accredited by the ACSI in early 2022 (a process we began 5-6 years ago), and we graduated 4 seniors this past year.  Our school is located in the capital city of a beautiful country in the heart of Central Asia.

RWA exists to provide a quality Christian education to Christian families who are working in various roles to bring eternal hope and a brighter future to the precious people of our host country, which though poor and underdeveloped, has tremendous potential.

We are looking for teachers who love children, love to teach and who feel called by God to serve full-time in this ministry. We will offer you an environment where you can grow as a teacher as well as help you adjust and thrive in your new home. As a teacher, you would free up parents to serve full-time in the work to which they have been called. You would also be playing a vital role in helping our children grow to be mature, strong Christian adults.

Roof of the World Academy
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