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God’s Way Christian School serves the orphans and vulnerable children in an informal settlement in Morogoro, Tanzania. Through the transformative Gospel, GWCS is nurturing a generation in the knowledge of Christ.


Many kids here miss out on school due to financial constraints — no shoes, no exercise books, and no means to get there. Amidst challenges like child malnutrition, extreme poverty, and high rates of HIV/AIDS, God's Way Christian School emerged in January 2023, starting with just 3 students and rapidly grew to 50, with more on a waiting list.


Parents trust GWCS to provide a safe haven where disciplined education reflects the power of the Gospel. They witness positive changes in their children's behavior, instilled with morals, responsibility, and faith through prayer.


God’s Way offers free education, with parents actively contributing through volunteering and donations based on their capacity.

For $50/month, you can sponsor a child's entire education, covering transportation, meals, uniform, and even supporting the dedicated teachers.


The rapid growth has prompted an urgent requirement to expand our enrollment capacity. Presently, the school operates from rented buildings, and expansion within this space is not feasible. To comply with Tanzanian law and ensure continuity, we must construct our own facility. The local community has already contributed by purchasing some required cement, but there's still much work ahead.

The first phase of construction is $70,000. Please j
oin us in backing our school construction initiative! Your support can make a substantial impact.


Join us in making a lasting impact!